Illustration of a person playing a clarinet

Featured Quiz

Animal or Instruments?

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Rhythms in Latin Music

Rhythms in Latin Music

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Sounds All Around 2

Sounds All Around 2

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3 SightsYouCanHear 1200px

Sights You Can Hear

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Animal or Instrument 2

Animal or Instrument 2

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5 WheresTheMelody 1200px

Where's the Melody

Where's the Melody

9 NameThatSong 1200px

Name That Song

Name That Song

3 ChangingTempos 1200px

Dancing Tempos

Dancing Tempos

10 SAA ClassroomEdition 1200px

Sounds All Around

Sounds All Around

1 SpotTheDifference 1200px

Spot the Difference

Spot the Difference

4 NameThatInstrument 1200px

Name That Instrument

Name That Instrument

6 OopsMyBad 1200px

Oops, My Bad

Oops, My Bad

2 ChangingTunes 1200px

Changing Tunes

Changing Tunes

7 IndependenceDay 1200px

Seasonal Music: Summer

Seasonal Music: Summer

8 Halloween 1200px

Seasonal Music: Halloween

Seasonal Music: Halloween

Illustration for the Old McDonald's Orchestra quiz

Old McDonald’s Orchestra

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Illustration for the Music in Outerspace quiz

Music in Outer Space

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Illustration of Chris Thile

Meet Chris Thile!

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Illustration for the Carnegie Hall Time Traveler quiz

Carnegie Hall Time Traveler

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Illustration for the Animal or Instrument quiz

Animal or Instrument?

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Illustration of Yo-Yo Ma

Meet Yo-Yo Ma!

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Sights and Sounds of the Orchestra

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Illustration for the Name that Dance quiz

Name that Dance!

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Marian Anderson Illustration

Meet Marian Anderson!

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9 WeirdandWild Instruments 720px

Weird and Wild Instruments

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Illustration for the Zoomed-In Instrument quiz

Zoomed-In Instruments

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Leonard Bernstein illustration

Meet Leonard Bernstein!

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Be a Carnegie Hall Detective Illustration

Be a Carnegie Hall Detective!

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Rhiannon Giddens Illustration

Meet Rhiannon Giddens!

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Instrument Shapes illustration

Instrument Shapes

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Mahalia Jackson Illustration

Meet Mahalia Jackson!

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Composer Factoids Illustration

Composer Factoids

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Pete Seeger Illustration

Meet Pete Seeger!

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3 WhatWas Happeningin1891 720px

What Was Happening in 1891?

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Go on a Musical Adventure

Illustration of a person holding a violin case while jumping on a hopscotch pattern painted on giant piano keys
Illustration of a cello with colored lines like routes on a map


Explore the World of Music


Watch, Listen, and Learn on YouTube for Kids

Illustration of smiling face with glasses, two eighth notes, a play button, and a pause button